Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Franz West

physical interaction with his work

part of The Order from Matthew Barney's Cremaster

chimpanzee riding on a segway....

what a concept :)

Jeff Koons

"I don't believe that you can create art. But I believe what will lead you to art is to trust in yourself, follow your interests and focus on your interests. That will take you to a very metaphysical state."

Pierre Huyghe

i love his text work, especially because i don't quite get it...

Rachel Harrison

"If you hear the dogs, keep going"

Maurizio Cattelan

satire, controversy, debate

Sarah Lucas, you and your nuds!!

someone pointed out how sarah lucas had also stuffed tights... but i love how different they appear from mine, and i love the way they are exhibited in the gallery space, they look really exquisite, unlike my colourful forms..

Robert Gober

we recognise this as a leg, but its not a leg. Leg becomes object, it is detached from the norm, and we are unsure... We begin to question what we know... We are offered an alternative narrative of everyday objects. And for this, robert gober, i love you. Quirky yet critical... ideal.


not all is what it seems...

as David Kemp proves here with his Air Guitar (2002)